Welcome to Somatic Therapy and Coaching 


Welcome to your personalized, and integrative practice! It’s important to emphasize that our sessions will focus on a nature-inspired, body-based approach to healing. This approach takes a bottom-up perspective, prioritizing the body's role in the healing process rather than solely relying on mindset or cognitive strategies. While mindset coaching and cognitive therapy can be beneficial, they can also be limiting. Sustainable health and transformative results are best achieved by directly engaging with the felt sense because the body keeps the score, it serves as our greatest ally and resource for understanding and wisdom. By working directly with the nervous system and the language of the body, we can access not only optimal mental and emotional health but also our blueprints for expansion, creativity, abundance, nourishment, self-expression, sovereignty, and joy.

Throughout our sessions, we will work together towards cultivating a deeper connection with your body and gradually integrating body-based practices into our work. This approach honours the body's organic intelligence through a process I call "composting." By moving toward the aspects of our lived experiences that "didn’t happen" — those unfinished moments or unprocessed events — we compost trauma and emotional residue, allowing the system to return to a state of wholeness.

Somatic trauma healing often takes a non-verbal approach, which means there's no necessity to recall or explicitly remember early childhood events, nor do we have to dive into exhaustive detail and relive past experiences in the present moment to achieve complete results. This approach is groundbreaking and can be seen as the missing link that explains why some individuals may not experience wholeness in their healing and health.

That said, I want to assure you that I fully honor each individual's unique journey and needs. While our primary focus is on accessing root causes rather than symptoms, I recognize that there are times when working with cognitive aspects or implementing strategies and behavioural changes can also be valuable.

For those who are new to this approach, please know that we will gradually introduce and integrate body-based techniques and practices throughout our sessions. I believe in meeting you where you are at and providing a supportive space for your exploration and growth.


A nature-inspired lens to somatic healing and health is a holistic way of living that draws on the wisdom and rhythms of the natural world to guide the body, psyche and soul towards wholeness. This approach recognizes the interconnectedness of all living systems, including the body, and uses principles from nature to inform and mirror back the process of regenerative healing. It honours the body’s natural ability to heal and grow, just as nature does with plants, animals, and ecosystems.

In this framework, we invite Mother Earth and Universal Truths to lead the way, welcoming the magic of the unseen and coming into contact with the mysterious forces at play. It is the intersection of mystery, magic and our lived experience — where the body’s wisdom meets the natural ,and supernatural, worlds.


Intuitive energetics serves as a transformative connection between energy healing, energy tracking and psychic intuitive development, which I have incorporated into my sessions with clients. This powerful skill allows me to deeply attune to an individual's energetic system, facilitating co-regulation and gaining insight into their personal growth and life challenges, often with minimal verbal communication required from my clients. It is a unique gift and skill that allows me to offer guidance and advice that is tailored to each person's unique energetic makeup.

It is with great honour that I’m able to share this carefully crafted gift with my clients!


Here are some suggestions to get ready for your session but never necessary:  

3 Days before your session
Increase your time outside in Nature & take care of your body.
Each night for the next 3 nights before your scheduled appointment, please ask for a dream. If you receive a dream, make a note of it in a journal. If you have a number of dreams, note if there is a theme.

2 Days before the appointment
Journal about your recent feelings and experiences

1 Day before the appointment
Prior to your appointment, set a one sentence intention for our session if possible, never necessary though. We can work with what is coming up in real time for you.

Finally, on the day of the session you might want to make a small offering. Giving an offering is an act of reciprocity and will engage your heart and the Universe with your intention and build energy and momentum towards your session. Some suggestions for offerings include: flowers, seeds, food or other eco-friendly items. When you give your offering, hold the offering in your hands by your heart, bow your head to your heart, and whisper your intention and prayers to the offering. Then with gentleness place your offering in a quiet and gentle place.

Set up in a comfortable, quiet place where you will be undisturbed.

Come just as you are.

You are welcome to use headphones if that feels supportive to your practice. You can also bring a journal and a pen to jot down any ah-has at the end of the session. The invitation is really to set up your space so you can feel comfortable and safe.

At the beginning of each session, we will discuss any fear, doubts, struggles coming up for you along with your intention for the session. My approach is always collaborative. I trust and honor the pace of your body and will deliver an experience that will feel healing and expansive for you each session we have together. We will leave a few minutes at the end to ground and integrate any breakthroughs.


You will automatically receive a zoom link to the session once you have booked. For in-person sessions, please plan to arrive 5 minutes early of your scheduled appointment.

Thank you again!

Please do not hesitate to reach out if you have any questions.

All the love,

Chanel and The Self-Worth Lounge team!